Governors Minutes Portal

Governors Minutes Portal
The only board portal specifically designed for School Governors – efficient, secure and keenly priced!

Governor Minutes Board Portal Living System – Secure and cloud based

Many school Governing Bodies now manage their Board and Committee meetings with dedicated Cloud based Governor Minutes Management Software.

The significant savings (postage and time) and improvements in efficiency – not to mention security – are obvious to all.

As a bespoke system, the solution from SDS will be designed around your specific specification and, unlike "One-Size-Fits-All" programs, does not contain confusing elements and functions that are not relevant to your requirements.


  • Our system will be tailored to match your school’s livery and brand identity
  • Increasing the number of governors will not increase the monthly/annual cost
  • Scanning, digitisation and indexing of your historical paper-based minutes can be integrated with the project


  • Better than DropBox / OneDrive / printing out board packs to be sent out in the post!
  • All in one place
  • Bespoke committee management structure
  • Can be used for SLT and Department Heads too
  • Working Groups and Steering Committees as well as Full Board
  • Designed with the school’s corporate identity and branding
  • Role based
  • 2FA and SSOauth
  • Drag and Drop functionality
  • Email notification when new documents are added
  • Apologies and declarations of interest
  • Companies House Service address
  • Audit trail
  • Passport and Gov ID features
  • Archive Library of historical minutes

The system uses a simple drag and drop functionality so the owner of the committee can populate each session with any of the following document types and meeting notes:

Agendas, Apologies, Minutes of Previous Meetings, Papers,, Presentations, Appendices, Annexes and Indexes, Quotations, Reports and Financials (Excel).

Typical Committees

The system is very straightforward to adopt both from the Clerk of Governor’s perspective and the Committee members.

The system has a simple drag and drop facility which also OCRs the documents and adds the contents to the searchable database. This enables the Chairman/Clerk of Governors to immediately begin work with forthcoming committees whilst also being able to add documents simply and systematically from past meetings. If required, we can also assist with this.

Cost of our system is from £115 per month (SaaS).

  • Effortlessly manage agendas, minutes, papers, finances, proposals, and board meeting packs easily and speedily and of course securely
  • Provide live access and update – 24/7 worldwide – on-the-go from their phone, tablets, laptop or personal computer
  • Simple interface, easy to use, intuitive functionality – efficient, secure and effective.
  • Your complete digital library of Governor Minute Board packs for easy access, search and cross-referencing.