The HMC Minutes - Project

Our most significant client for Governors Minutes archives is the HMC...

The project commission was to provide a secure web site with full access to an archive of Governors Minutes and Order Books. These were currently held in bound volumes, and dated back to the 19th Century.

Non-destructive scanning was carried out on the books so that the archive was returned in exactly the same condition in which they were collected. We then built a bespoke database and web site solution tailored to the indexing format of the minutes.

As well as OCR-ing the text of the body of each document so that every word on every page is searchable, the indexing also included key areas of information-atomisation and meta-data capture, such as: meeting type, date, and principal content of the meeting. For the HMC we were able to atomise their archive down into over 40,000 individual entries, all containing their own metadata.

  • Non-destructive scanning
  • Hand written & typed documents
  • Full indexing & categorisation
  • Powerful search facilities
  • Interactive website to access digitised material
  • SDS Transcription software for handwritten notes with workflow – i-Jerome
  • All elements of the project completed in England by permanent members of staff (no temps)